Monthly Archives: November 2015

Wild Horses and Truth Will Save Them – Resolution

building bridges

“So much falsified information from the Bureau of Land Management and the Department of the Interior about America’s Truthful Heritage and Icon, the Wild Horses, one must be leery as to why the Wild Horses have to leave America’s Public Lands to begin with?  One day American’s, outraged, will hold these government agencies accountable!”  — John Cox

We live in a society fraught with conclusions.  You may ask, now what is he talking about?  I will answer.  We simply live in a society that conducts itself upon conclusion, with often misrepresented Subjective Reasoning, mostly based from illegitimate facts — such as those based upon fear, or misrepresentation of facts sometimes based on Heritage, or just outright lies.

Arrogance out of profound ignorance, or macho posturing, or the inability to pass into the realm of manhood or womanhood, are merely subordinate to this situation – although emotion often plays a dramatic and effective roll, it is merely yet another subordinate causation.

What I am discussing here is “Illusory Superiority” within our human day to day activities.  This is a proven human condition we all suffer from regarding our daily aptitude in all things.  For many of us, it is not just within the horse or wildlife subjects, but inclusive with all else – for example politics and religion, and an insurmountable amount of other subjects as well.

Reality versus Ideology

For example, in any given group we find, through investigation, observation, and study that 80% of individuals might typically think they know about, as well as understand, the subject of horses.  In discussion we find many people are adamant about the subject, both emotional and can sway factual evidence toward non-factual circumstances.  But when tested we discover perhaps 20% of them do know, the others not so much.

It is sometimes called the “Above Average Effect” and essentially it means that for much of our life we will personally value our self slightly better at things than those around us.  It’s this same effect that also makes you think you, in this case knowledgeable about horses and wild horses, are and remain the pyramid of reasoning or the Patron Saint of Horses (keep it light and laugh as well, as human traits are fun and can be enjoyed), and all others, well, they just fall into place much less than average.

Human Confronts Illusion

Interesting is the fact this also goes along with the situation of only 40% to 46% of those who own horses actually ride them – yes, it is estimated that 54% to an amazing 60% do not ride their horses.  True, the remainder might own all of the equipment and trailers, and an insurmountable tack display, but simply rode the horse a few times, or not at all, and really do not ride them – out of fear, emotion, or false subjective reasoning – the reality collides with the conflict of illusion.

Another good example to many, and seen daily now, is the supposition that makes you think you can take on anyone in a fight, whether mental or physical, or navigate your way out of a life-threatening situation, whether mental or physical, and actually win.  Well, once again and most often this is an “Illusory Superiority” effect, and can get you hurt, or worse – so there is, make no doubt, a specific danger in this as well.

But this danger also opens the door to scams, or as we experience currently, people can take advantage of this particular mind-set (scammers see this as a demographic) and obtain donations, or mislead people to obtain either benefits for themselves, or to complete their job task – i.e. roundups and horses to slaughter for example – not so ironic that their (BLM – DOI – Welfare Ranchers – Corporations) mind-set totally built on the “Above Average Effect” simply so they can develop the excuse of being right in what they do –

I think we’re starting to get a glimpse of how this all works out, and how many times people choose sides, and indeed there is a right side and a wrong side, make no doubt, even though built on an  illusionary causation of circumstance – because frankly, the situation should not have developed to such proportion anyway – and that is often such a mitigating truth, and sad in the matter of how humans can be so destructive toward nature and our wildlife . . .

Bias and Reasoning

This cognitive bias, first officially named in 1991, has now become a staple of modern psychology and has been tested across intelligence assessments, physical performance, and yes even social interaction.

It is closely tied to a similar effect called the Dunning-Kruger effect.  It claims the “Illusory Superiority” is more common than you might think, and goes on to call it “the anosognosia of everyday life” – allow me to clarify, simply put it is a lack of truthful-subjective self-awareness in your daily existence.

There are many reasons, both positive and negative, in the matters of why we do this, to include physical mechanisms as well.  But the more acceptable theories state it comes down to the ways, or manner, in which our brains process complicated information, into simpler, easier to manage estimates, usually in our own favor — bias.

On a more positive side this situation aids in motivation, giving us incentive to push forward in the knowledge we are doing well and it gives us confidence that we will, indeed, succeed.

However, and this is a vast however, is the downside of this situation.  Many people think they are proficient at things without any evidence to support the idea.  Once again we wander into the realm of Subjective Reasoning.  What are the benefits involved?  More often than not, ego; sometimes financial benefits within a manipulated process and we become victims from our own illusions (i.e. politics or religion, or accepting anyone else’s opinions), and on and on it goes . . .

Ultimately what this means is – we are simply not as good as we think.  Our knowledge combined with someone else’s knowledge, and under the same cognitive bias, Subjective Reasoning or “Illusory Superiority” complex, is destine toward destruction.

Accept and Understand Truth

Sadly, we can look at the realm of Wild Horses.  Through the benefit of sound reasoning, now that we understand “Illusory Superiority” — we can hopefully approach, within reality, how to resolve this situation – or at least place ourselves on the right-road toward a resolution.

It is because the count of 70,000-Plus Wild Horses rounded up in the past few years (yes a vast Gorilla in the room we are all acquainted with), and many went or going to slaughter, is a realistic number.  This number absolutely contradicts and conflicts with many illusions many people have in the matter of them stating, or attempts to persuade others they are actually saving Wild Horses!

As usual, and with the Wild Horses sacrificed, the current mind-set of saving them is, and remains, merely an illusion; whereas, only a few benefit, and the Wild Horses die – THIS IS THE REALITY!

This is not a matter of me suggesting routes to resolution within this paper.  Rather, it is a matter of seeing the truth and how to actually get to it, or obtain the freedom for Wild Horses, in a reality mind-set; because, only through the truth will a resolution be brought about that can be of benefit to the Wild Horses, and actually save them from so much Subjective Reasoning developed through so much “Illusory Superiority” within BLM, Welfare Ranching, Corporate maneuvering on Public Lands, large advocate groups who need to make money to support themselves, and on and on it goes, this supposed reasoning and self-gratification over all-else, to include Destruction of Our Wild Horses for nothing more than small short term profits . . .

Yes, we have a problem — we need to confront it, and stop ignoring it!

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Posted by on November 28, 2015 in Uncategorized


Horse’s Tale — The Future

Horse’s Tale

short story in The Future

John Cox


Jan gathered the food out of the car, placed it nicely on the picnic table.  Jim was walking up from the creek, fishing pole in hand, but nothing caught.

A scream in the distance.  Penny jumps up, turns and runs toward her father.  Jim tosses the pole aside, arms wide to catch his daughter running toward him.  He catches her, rises, with her in his arms.

“I seen it.  It was really big.  It snorted,” said Penny.

By this time Jan was near Jim, her hand atop Penny’s shoulder.

“What honey?  What did you see?”

“Like Grandma’s picture.  On her table, in the dining room.”

Jim looks at Jan, then sets the girl down.  Jan kneels beside her daughter.

Jim’s gaze toward the horizon . . . and under his breath, “Oh. My God.”

Jan looks up, then rises, “Oh, Jim.”

Not taking her eyes off the spectacle before them, “It’s a horse, Jim,” as Jan wipes a tear from her eye, her words breaking slightly, “A horse.”

“It’s like the one in Grandma’s picture.  Their real, dad.  They’re for real.”

Jim mumbles a slight wisp, not taking his eyes off the spectacle, “Yes.”

The Bay Stallion, now on a small knoll, stops, turns.  The Stallion looks at the family standing near the creek. Majestic in the sunlight, it’s left-leg, hoof, rises.  He sweeps the hoof three times, then sets it down; pounds the dirt; dust rises, underneath the hoof, three more times.

With a twist of its head, a rise and swoosh of its long Black Mane, he snorts, kicks-out, turns, gallops over the hillside, disappears.

“I didn’t know any were left out here,” Jim says, sadly, still watching the hillside.

Jan, wipes her tears from her cheeks, wordless, stares at the hillside.

“Mommy?  Can we go watch him some more?  I never seen a real, live horse.  Why are you crying?”

Jan kneels down, looks into her daughter’s eyes, “. . . Because we treated them badly.  There are no more.  He may be the only one left.  We treated a lot of wild animals badly years and years ago, even before I was even born – you may never, ever see this again . . . her voice fades out as she peers toward the hillside, “. . . you may never see a horse again, honey.”

“Jan. . .” Jim says, still looks toward the hillside, “. . .over there.”

Jim picks up Penny, Jan steps beside Jim.  They watch, as two hillsides over, the Bay Stallion stops in mid-slope, looks at the family again – suddenly, coming up to him from the valley below, a Bay Mare, with a young foal beside her, stops at his side.  The stallion looks across the hillside, once more.  Proudly, he looks toward his Mare and foal, then to Jim.

“Oh, my God,” Jan says while wiping the tears off her cheeks, and Penny, now.

“I understand,” Jim whispers.

The Stallion turns, along with the Mare and foal, and in a small tuft of dust, trot, then gallop over the hillside.  Soon the dust settles, where the horses were –   Copyright 11/15/2015


Posted by on November 16, 2015 in Uncategorized