Monthly Archives: September 2023

Our Wild Horses — Our Lands — Our Wildlife . . .

Editorial — Written by John Cox, M.A., Comm.

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” – George Orwell, Animal Farm

This sentence is a comment on the hypocrisy of governments that proclaim the absolute equality of their citizens, but give power and privileges to a small elite. In Animal Farm, it is the animals that take over a farm to escape human tyranny, but the pigs, who convinced the other animals of their honesty and virtuous interest in doing the “right things”, simply took over, then treated the other animals worse than the people did. A famous quotation from the book, and over time, remains a “standard” or an “analogy”, symbolic of how our government started, for a justifiable reason, but somewhere along the line of human existence, inferior humans took over.

Here we can start to understand the reasons why some of our history, and myth, simply “collide” into information that obviously developed into false-narratives; or, misleading events separate from any type of reality what so ever (i.e. the genesis of Wild Horses disappearing from Ancient North America, yet magically showing up later in history – still remains unexplained, and no evidence to show us they disappeared at all), to cover up the actual tragedy it may have been; as well as, the tragedy of those who appointed themselves as “above all else and all people”, and wish to keep the riches for themselves. Deception. We can also begin to understand the term, “Tragedy of the Commons”. . . as being the remainder of the animals on the farm, experience.

The Tragedy of the Commons refers to a situation in which individuals with access to history, and changing it, or, other available common information (also called a common), act upon it, i.e. changing history by false-narratives or misleading accounts of the history, for their own interests. But in doing so, ultimately deplete the resource, or, in this scenario, the history changes, beneficially for themselves.

Within the short novel Animal Farm, we see it is not only those who place themselves above everyone else, which is a tragedy within itself, but those who want to become similar to them. This is where dubious individuals are, indeed, far more tragic within their very aggressive methods of false-information-management, and the “do-anything mentality to achieve their goals toward richness, and become involved in high-society. Which is also nothing more than a “perceptive” false-motivation directed mostly to the ignorant or extreme bias, based upon false-narratives and dubious story-telling advertising.

These are the people, who escalate the false-narratives from the “commons” to create outright lies – in order to climb the social-ladder of supposed “success” . . . The “climb to riches” simply formed from piles upon piles – humans’ and animals’ alike – from deceit, outright destruction, and even the death of much of our wildlife today. The Excuses piled just as high as the piles of deceit, of misinformation, and deceptions . . .

Fertility Controls referred to as a Humane-Tool to control Wildlife Over-Populations that does not exist at all, remain as an obscure and deceptive Wildlife and Wild Horse Management scheme, based upon false-narratives that Pesticides, et al., save lives – “Reality” opposes and outright conflicts with these false-narratives directly. This is the “real-life” and ongoing tragedy we see daily.

And this is what we see in Wild Horse Advocacy of today, as well as Wildlife Advocacy. The dubious tragic and outright deceptions often create nothing more than a tragic depletion, or death, of not only our Wildlife and Wild Horses, but our Public Lands, as well.

Aristotle pointed out, in his book “Poetics”, that tragedy within books plays are simply a reflection of real life. Unfortunately, or fortunate — within plays, an “emotional catharsis” develops in the tragedy, which, essentially puts to rest, in the resolution of the story = Problem Solved, and life goes on. It then becomes a life experience learned and dealt with, then comes to an end. In real life there exist serious consequences to these types of actions of outright deceptions, lies, and wrongdoing, to our wildlife and our lands, and as mentioned above, the beauty of our lands and the nature itself, our wildlife — depleted – tragically and continuous.

Nothing comes back from Extinction. It is gone, forever.

Ultimately, this is where dubious and corrupt individuals use the terms “being successful” or worse “being humane”. . . Which, as we see today are simply more lies to cover up previous lies. Always interesting, the fact corruption is so obvious, yet, ignored most often, as if a reality (an inferior drama) . . . and this is what we see in both government and non-profits, when it comes to Our Natural Resources, Our Lands, and Our Wildlife.

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Posted by on September 5, 2023 in Uncategorized