Monthly Archives: November 2011

Bigfoot, War, Myth, and Matters of Freedom and Strength

There exists a creature on this planet of mythical proportion.  The Sasquatch legend will move on for yet another century.  In all of the hoopla, noise, and events, Bigfoot is so often exploited, certainly admired, and remains the subject of debate. The legend moves onward and in silence.  The fact is this myth has acquired a longevity and level of endearment to many hearts and minds of those who follow its exploits, unarguably within epic proportions.

War and Sasquatch An Unexpected Irony

The myth of war and the myth of the Sasquatch, an irony, transcend time and both become larger and even gigantic in proportion to the reality.  Yet, the myths of war are acceptable as a way of life within our society even though harmful, heartbreaking, costly, and rips our individual souls apart.  To believe in war is acceptable, ironically sane, a pattern of life within our society; although, the test of time shows us that throughout history, war is most often an insane endeavor, derived from greed, averice, and hate.

On the other end of people’s suspended belief of mythical proportion is Sasquatch.  This is a harmless situation, prone to conjecture and often while smiling with good natured debates, and unacceptable to many people.  To believe in Bigfoot is a step into insanity, as most that are socially aware will dictate and even sneer within an odd condescending manner while saying so.

The Power of Myth

The suspense, or drama, perhaps due to the mystical power of each, the sensitivity and high emotion factor of the challenge, the quest, and the mythical strength that calls us all toward adventure overwelms our belief system, or acceptability.  The overall displacement and contrary nature of each can serve as good examples of our human nature’s will to accept or not accept reasonable arbitration toward the realm of myth.

We have two distinct realms of myth, both based on perceptive belief.  Within a comparable mythic ideology, in World War II Ernie Pile, a war correspondent, wrote “War makes strange giant creatures out of us little routine men who inhabit the earth.”  True enough is the fact that war does make giants of average men, those becoming proponents of necessity, and exploited to appease and manipulate those unaware of the reality of battle, or those who distance themselves from the actual battle.

The truth is that war grows into mythical proportion and most often exploited.  Ironically, the loss of the surviving warrior’s soul the common fact most often left out of the dramatic actions in the tales, books, and movies about war.  But those who support war efforts loose their soul as well.  Money dictates here, in this realm of myth and armchair fantasy.

Suspension of Disbelief and Fantasy During Wars

Not so ironic is the fact that during wars and as written history shows, at least when the United States is involved, increased sightings of Sasquatch are more prevalent.  Also horror and apocalyptic movies fill motion picture theaters and home movie channels.  And not so surprisingly an increase in fiction and especially horror stories, science fiction, and bloody movies depicting the slaughter of zombies and other films increase in popularity.

The mutterings of George Orwell’s character, in 1984, “Sanity is not statistical,” plays a roll in our mythical vs. reality culture, and in what we accept as sanity.  The sanity here becomes adverse to the rolls we all play in this society; often time’s acceptable sanity appears insane and certainly debatable.  Reality programs become, ironically, dimensional and dictate to us ethics and morals, as being critical of others is paramount in our society today; Although, unseen by ourselves and within ourselves.  Critical evaluation becomes our pretense into evaluation, especially in reality television, politics, religion, sports, and often our neighbors and friends.  Hatefullness is an obscure feeling that runs away with many people’s soul, without them knowing.  Sustainability on war myth is simply unprofitable to one’s inner being.

With Bigfoot the term myth is used here not in the sense of a falsehood or a superstition.  Here it conveys actual human experiences, testimonies to fact and sightings, our perceptions of the facts and the debates that follow.  This is the substance of myth, the ground floor so to speak, then the myth escalates in structure and power until eventually, perhaps, we indulge into the realm of reality.  A “Reality” if allowed.  No matter whether it is of war or Sasquatch, human nature expands into creative appeals toward enrichment.

Myth in History

Research finds similar events since BC and the beginning of written recorded history, and show the same escalation of mythical events growing out of proportion, then onward to reality.  It is human nature that will most often indulge into the realm of drama, also shown over time, or indulge in the perceptions thereof.  Then the drama becomes perceptive reality some how between the mythical phase, perception, and a suspension of actual belief.

Truth Reality and Myth

So how do we convey these truths and compare them to myth.  Longevity of any subject, whether real or not, is the virtue that will more often than not succumb to the test of time.  That is, the consistent facts become the repetition over time and the growth of interest over many generations becomes the endowment.  The downside, lies can also become reality over time.

More often than not and within psychology circles, religion, ethical standards, and the like, myth becomes the template for our lives.  Whether or not the myth becomes the reality toward our actual experience in war, or our imagination toward the news and hearing about war; what or how we think or actually perceive ourselves; or what it is we have to believe to go from day to day in the matters of our previous experiences, matters of war included; the myth is the arrangement between our souls and our conscious minds.  It ultimately purveys substance, reliability, and the means to move on to another day.

Entire cultures tell of these types of stories, even to promote common men and warriors into mythical legends, because that is what the human experience indulges itself upon.  That war is devastating and heartbreaking to all those involved is a fact.  It is those uninvolved and displaced from the experience all together that war is a myth, a happy and forced truth for their soul to survive.  Profoundly, these people succumb to war like behavior, although not warriors.

The Armchair Warrior

Proponents of those who defend war as a resolution are those who have never experienced war, as history shows.  A fear takes hold where they exploit the war myth, with ideals such as fight or die for the society at large.  But these are the same people that do not go to fight and die in wars; rather they have sidestepped the military or send someone in their place.  Confirmation is as easy as asking a mother of a dead soldier, then ask her of the social relevance of her son or daughters death.  Ideology vs. reality often becomes simply a lack of principles.

Those who cannot imagine themselves in support of something mysterious and mythical, ironically is the other end of the myth scale.  Where the myth was supportable in one occasion is not supported in another.  A myth, or a suspended belief in Bigfoot, is often unacceptable or unusable in the common virtues of daily life; Thereby, as harmless as it is Sasquatch does not exist.

Myth and the Soul

Within both occasions this is where the soul takes over, out of fear, where it will equate a perception into the conscious mind, whether real or not.  A needed myth at the time will be promoted, such as the necessity to participate in war.  This is most often perpetuated through a process of intimidation and awkward hearsay presented as truth.  The test of time shows a mass of costly and wrong decisions made by those who displace myth, and use it to their advantage.

There is no doubt that Sasquatch portrays independence and freedom from all of our social ills and vices.  There remains a simple innocence about this creature, a curiosity prevails.  But there is more, and on an ideological level it exists as strong as the conscious level of every one of our souls.  If indeed it does exist, and is conscious of the facts, then it must scoff at our ways of living, our standards, our ethics, and our lack of principles toward human rights.

In reality this is the stuff that makes war.  It is the minute process of mine is better than yours attitude.  Ironically, creatures such as a Sasquatch most often are the “Unknowns” and individuals that become our society’s enemy.  The creature knows this from observation over past decades and has developed a profound ability to survive unseen.  Whether this situation is a conscious or unconscious level of safety, only the creature knows.

Sasquatch will remain the ideology of freedom, of the ability to escape our society at will, and get away with ignoring our façade of social attributes.  Certainly, we can all admire that independence.  The mythical creature will not succumb to our sacrifices involving human nature, compromises of our souls, in order to perform our accepted way of daily life.

Perceptions become a strong entity toward belief, whether wrong or right.  If we remain proponents of death, in the name of a supposed and ill perceived method of security and reaction only, then one must question where we stand as human beings as well as the question of sustaining human rights and the power that upholds those same rights.

The Virtues of Bigfoot

No matter, Bigfoot will always have an admiring individual looking on with awestruck and bewildered admiration.  It will be perhaps with an awkward form of jealousy toward the creature’s ability to evade ideology that is contrary toward the human spirit itself, or the soul, as most of us accept just in order to get-along in an inept society.

This mythical creature of creature’s for as long as it roams throughout nature, we as mankind will have a symbolic necessity within our very souls kept alive.  We will know there is still a freedom that exists, as we live vicariously within the heart and soul of the Sasquatch as it roams and keeps roaming unblemished and untarnished by us as a society.

In summation, we as a society have taken as truth the war myth.  This is in spite of time tested history that shows beyond a doubt the reasons for us going to war were invalid.  Worse, the reasons were not only hypothetical, but dishonest, lies, and misinformation.  Our sons and daughters have died because of this.

On the contrary, we have the myth of Sasquatch.  It is an innocent myth of honesty, freedom, and most of the things we all hold dear to our hearts as a nation and as a society.  Yet, most of us fail to believe in this high spirited non-adversarial situation and pass it off as a story, or those who have actually seen Bigfoot as insane, or a far worse perception, idiots of the worst type.

If a Sasquatch can not exist within our creative sprit, our souls, then we have either lived to long and become too cynical, or we have simply lost our souls to a society that endeavors toward profits rather than the human spirit and people in general.

David Nichols, ed., Ernie’s War: The Best of Ernie Pyle’s World War II Dispatches (New York: Touchstone, 1986), 81.

George Orwell, 1984 (New York, Penguin Plum, 1983).

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Posted by on November 21, 2011 in Uncategorized


I am From Possum Trot Flats, USA

I am a native of Possum Trot Flats, USA and proud to be one of many.  We are the part of America that is considered, and always will be known to us as the United States of America, that is most often ignored by politicians and government.

The name “America” strikes our very soul of life; into our hearts melt the sacrifices of innocents given to a justified cause.  The Flag-the Stars and Stripes, is a mere reflection of our hearts and minds that have come together and that keep America moving forward.  Without us, America Stops!

We’re neither leftists, rightists, part of any fringe groups, or groups of people that call themselves a party.  The left-wing, right-wing, or independents have no say here.  Our most favored wing is our arm and a drink in hand, sitting with good friends and good acquaintances on a warm afternoon while having a laugh or two, no matter what the occasion.

When we walk down the street there is always a friendly hello to whoever it may be, and with no paranoia about anyone pulling a gun, robbing us, obscure ways of thinking forced upon us, or all around being troublesome to anyone else.  It’s called respecting those as you would respect yourself and a basic principle of being an American, and living in Possum Trot Flats.

We harbor no hate or animosity here and have no police, sheriff’s deputies, or other government groups to tell us what we can or cannot do or to create problems not of our doing.  Although, there is organization within Possum Trot Flats, but first and foremost it is governed by the very principles and ethics that freedom is all about and the integrity that goes with it.  The small group who wants to work for the public is responsible and answerable to the public, or those who live in Possum Trot Flats.

It is governed with the knowledge that many sacrifices have been given, by our brothers and sisters throughout history, and that in itself should never be forgotten.  This is and always will be respected and cherished always.  It is not a perfect place here, but it is our own ideals about how we live, how we party, or what we do in our spare time.

There is no outside influence on our decision making, so those who wish to obtain profit, power, votes, create animosity, subjectively push themselves to non-sense reasoning, or a narcissistic esteem from the toil of others — more than likely should not come here, as we are not receptive to that what so ever.  We ask nothing from those who do not live here, although if someone, animal or human, needs a helping hand we are here for them.

We are people that mean what we say, and do what we say we will do.  We do the things that are right for our families, our community, for our individual ways of thinking, and our preservation.  To do this is what America is and always will be here in Possum Trot Flats.

Whether the rest of the country is going to hell in a hand basket is their problem, as it is their choice, and they follow such lunatic ideologies is their reasoning, but unacceptable here.  Many who live here have served honorably in defending this country.  It is others of those Americans who do not live here that have thrown our freedoms and rights away and do nothing about that.  Yes, their endeavors are to rant and rave, not resolve, so they are not welcome here.  They bitch about the other guy or a politician, and then elect the same people into office.  To that we all say, “To Hell With That!”

Changes are welcome just as the old ways of doing things are welcome, and having the freedom to choose both, or one or the other.  It’s not complicated here and trends do come and go, but our principles and matters of respect remain the same.  That is because we stick with the basics, the simpler the better, it is the best way to do things.

There are longhairs, shorthairs, and a diversity of people here with many different personalities.  We have found over the years, as people come and people go, that yes there are agitators and those who wish to push their personalities and mediocre mind sets and their way of doing things their-way-is-the-only-way, onto others.  They do not seem to last long here in Possum Trot Flats, USA.

There are Veterans here from many of the wars that have taken place throughout the world.  Our souls become replenished and even satisfied, here in Possum Trot Flats, with a robust of those who do not fear or approach Veterans as mythical or different.  Because we believe in the actual “Spirit” of America, intimidation from other people or groups just does not exist here.  That means we can look at others in a refreshed way, not prejudiced but wholesome and helpful if needed, or just being a friend and passing time.

So yes, there is a Possum Trot Flats in every heart and soul of a true American.  Perhaps it exists due to our beliefs and judgments based on faith, and the assurance that it is faith that keeps us going from day to day.  That the right-way of doing things comes in many different shapes and forms.  That prejudice and judgment is a form of life unnecessary and a waste of time.  Hate and animosity are things best kept away from the human spirit, as it is also an endeavor down a road to no-where.

So if you’re a true American, a true believer in the things that once ages ago made up the American Spirit, then the next time someone asks you where you’re from tell them proudly, “I am from Possum Trot Flats, America.”  And when they ask you where in the hell that is you can tell them, “Look into your heart, you’ll find it.  Just be patient.”  — John Cox

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Posted by on November 7, 2011 in Uncategorized