Monthly Archives: October 2023

Heritage, Relationships, and Preserving the Past

By John W. Cox, M.A. C/M

Preserving the institutions ((community awareness in both civilized society and Nature alike) of the past, allows us to step into the future without fear. These institutions are built upon relationships. Our communities today apparently built upon who can make the most money, and thrive better than their neighbor; which, excludes community relationships grounded from centuries of workable heritage and based upon honesty.

For instance, how we preserved food, quality food, without refrigeration – or, how we built things of quality, too last a long time, and not built based upon future parts sales – or, the theory of honesty, and, of an honest man’s day’s work being worth another man’s honest day’s work (Quality of Integrity in a Relationship) . . . This exchange of “worth”, not just the worth of money and profit margins, but the worth of our relationship with those we establish relationships with and in the matters “of” . . . It was the simple-of-things that made our relationships work – Today we see the disconnect of these types of honest-relationships. The cold truth is, honesty has been lost, and in today’s environment, held in “contempt”.

Both corporations and government of today despise honesty, because neither conduct their business upon honesty. Relationships develop upon their dishonesty, as a tool for immediate future profits; thereby, their entire life, and relationships with others, build upon the marginal propaganda, or, the popular phrase of their advertising cliches used in their ongoing advertising campaigns. Sales is not meant to build relationships any longer, as much as simply meant too spread cliches, or false-narratives, coming from the walking-talking salespeople who represent the “disinformation campaign” ongoing at the time. . .

We can look at our relationships with Nature, and the ongoing destruction of it, and understawd for ourselves how honest-relationships have become nothing more than fodder for “profits” in “name” only.

The term “Honest” means nothing today. . . other than a sales tag-line, or, to establish what we are led to believe. Often sales-people will talk of good management paradigms to “save” our Nation’s Wildlife, but their actions conflict, and their monetary gains quite obvious, and no Wildlife or Wild Horses saved at all; yet, the fulfillment of such is merely based around monetary-profits, and Wildlife die unnecessarily.

Fertility programs, harvesting-of-wildlife programs, are entirely based upon false-over-population counts, and destructive industries destroying our Natural Environments and Wildlife
The fraud is obviously ignored by government and other regulatory standards meant to promote honesty . . .

Needless to say, but indeed needs to be said – We have forgotten how to build honest relationships, and from the foundation of our own American Heritage that was based upon honesty of each individual; and yes, government and corporations were not involved, yet soon manipulated the public to believe they were involved all along. Despite what our history is or is not, it becomes irrelevant when we discuss the common-folks of this land of ours. We have forgotten the benefits of such relationships, inclusive of “Self-Pride”, “Self-Respect, and of “Doing” a job well and with honesty and good workmanship — from honest Craftsmen, and how a beneficial and workable situation can develop into a positive outcome . . .  

One thing is for sure – our nation can do without Corporations and Corrupted Lobbyists and Government Agencies – and we, as the common-folks of this land of “Ours” do have a “Say-So” in things, rather than be ignored. For example, we need better Non-Profits who represent us as communities, rather than sell-outs or fake Non-Profit’s organized for a Profit-Only circumstance – as they are available to defend the “Commons and Common Folks Alike” . . . and must Represent Honesty, the virtues of our American Heritage, rather than stand alongside those who disparage, or, demean our very existence, as being futile, or even as Fringe Elements.

Yup, they all want many to believe that American’s, in general, are merely a Fringe-Element, but do not hesitate to use “our” Taxpayer money, donation money, “our” Public Lands, “our” Natural Resources, to become very wealthy.

America, and its government body, have lost the “Honesty of Craftsmanship”, in our Work and Relationships with people and Nature alike. The entire basis of our ongoing human-relationships are frowned upon by government and corporations. Make no doubt, it shows in the craftsmanship, or lack of, within the products produced within our country, as well as globally. today.

How can we maintain a Sustainable Natural Environment, when we can no longer maintain a level of respect or honesty, within our human relationships? There is no doubt, advertising today is meant to fragment the public, into a non-relationship dynamic agenda, for profits – and to hell with anyone’s heritage or individual-dynamic that, indeed, favors honesty.


Posted by on October 22, 2023 in Uncategorized


Experimentation and Weaponizing Pesticides on Our Public Lands – Lacks Ethics & Integrity

John Cox, M.A. Comm.

Weaponizing Pesticides? The W.H.O. (World Health Organization) as well as the Military, are very attentive to the situations and experimentation “in-process”, on our Public Lands, and the use of Pesticides as Fertility Management. While being ignored by the general population in America, due to false-narratives that created this type of experimentation, we are starting to see very “wayward” attempts at profound usage of Pesticides, of which, the dynamics of this chain of events, slanted toward, obviously, another approach toward Eugenics. . .

The problem is, it is starting to appear as a reality, again. Eugenics was “Outlawed” many decades ago, as a dynamic of population-control that was not of a ethical standard, nor, logically used or appealed toward within a Humane-Society.

Researchers are currently scrutinizing the technology and methodology, to identify the impact of pesticides on reproductive health, or, the management of both “negative and positive values” of results and how to manipulate or use both affirmatively, and to our benefit, in war, or selective population control — and how to initiate shorter time periods, from months to weeks, for results.

Scientists essentially are developing a method for identifying harmful chemicals in pesticides, for example the TB (Tuberculosis adjuvant currently being experimented with on Public Lands and Wild Horses / Wildlife) mixed with the Pesticides (i.e. GONACON & PZP to name just two) in order to manipulate population dynamics, as well as create through “choice”, elimination of unwanted animals and . . . ?

We all question this situation, precisely – which equates to bias. And who are these people making these decisions, as well as the ignorance and levels of questionable integrity and ethics. . . Eugenics remains simply an unwanted entity and process, in particular within government, from any country, and in particular in the United States. . ..

In reality, Pesticide exposure can already cause acute and long-term health problems for the human and wildlife endocrine systems, the hormone system that regulates many biological processes from reproduction, to blood sugar, growth, and more. Those against the use of Pesticide used on our Public Lands, both as Fertility Management and Weaponizing it, has written about the connections between EPA-registered pesticides and involuntary abortions, reproductive cancers, pregnancy loss, early-onset puberty, and more.

Many ethical questions are starting to transpire within Public Documents. . . Rather than support the use of Pesticides on Our Public lands, through mostly false-narratives and wayward and fraudulent Wild Horse and Wildlife government agency population-counts (a disguised cover-up quite well, and certainly a distraction, for any ultimate unethical or immoral use), stating there are over-populations that exist, when “not true”, becomes an added level toward “Lack of Integrity”, about this entire issue and its necessity.

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Posted by on October 10, 2023 in Uncategorized