Monthly Archives: January 2024

Good Science an Option for Wild Horses, as Too Much BLM Bad Science – Change Must Happen

Article Written by
John Cox, M.A. C/M

A “Bias One-Size-Fits-All mind-set is not longer a good mind-set for developing resolutions on Our Public Lands. The “conflicts of BLM Science and non-profit corruption is quite obvious, and our Lands in America, a large part in the 11 Western States, is simply being destroyed, along with our cherished Wildlife and Wild Horses. We have options, other than bogus science and fraudulent over-population of Our Nations Wild Horses.

My discussions the last few weeks have emphasized the needed research experience in the field, and just how important it is. Here I will explain the “Links” that qualify for experience in the field, and how everything is connected together, ultimately in order for us to integrate proper interpretation of the data collected along with the observations noted. How do we identify experienced results, or truthful research results, from bogus science, or biasly agenda driven science?

I have three areas, or habitats, I have been visiting for the past 10 years. These areas I consider primary. I have another five areas I have been going to, which cover a larger mass of square-miles, and have been observing them for the past 15 years.

What I have found in these years of establishing observation points, logging data, and getting to know all of these areas, is the fact that these ecological habitats are in constant flux, or, change. In another words the ideology of “one-size-fits-all” that we see from inexperienced people, in particular in field research, and especially within a limited time (1 summer for example, or just the summer months every year for 3 years – or simply a few months); which, we can understand how their data, observations, and all-around research can be classified as “poor quality” – especially when we see the consequences of poor quality research and due to management decisions developed from it, actually do harm to wildlife, or, devastate a habitat to poor-health, if not worse.

In Washington State for example, and the Forestry back in the 1970’s, placed Rocky Mountain Rams in an area along the Northern Coast of Washington – their appetites alone, devasted many of the grasslands and meadows, and other wildlife starved – the Rocky Mountain Rams were then moved to Mt. St. Helens a year later. . . on the Packwood side of the mountain. Then Mt. St. Helen’s Erupted. A good example of bad science, bad interpretation of science and potentialities, et al.

Linking Our Habitat

Linking the dynamics of the habitat I do research in, in association with other biologists, anthropologists, and paleontologists, and together we have a truthful overview of all things and wildlife within our given Ecological Habitat. Actually, it becomes nothing more than paying attention to how one thing affects another and its expectation to affect another, then another. The best example can be a Creek Bed or a River Bed, one that is fast flowing, oxygen-rich due to a rocky bottom and clear water. We find the clear water can be linked to several species of fish – trout – salmon – steelhead, at al., and incorporates a quality habitat for marine-life.

Once again, we can see how diversity develops. And how the dynamics of a particular ecological system and process, works effectively and efficiently. The presence of spawning salmon, for example, linked to the sudden appearance of birds or “dippers” that feed on salmon eggs. Black bears also start together, mostly downriver, to feed on the salmon, even as bald eagles congregate in the trees. The Eagles appearance, in turn, affects the ravens, whose loud voices change in agitated response to the presence and so much activity.

But salmon runs can also be linked to the rains that raise the river’s level. The rains connect to the clouds. The clouds linked to evaporation, and evaporation to the temperature of the sea. And we can go further, as the Salmon-gathering can be linked to the seasonal position of the sun in the sky, and how it relates to the dark-cycle of the moon.

The links to a given habitat, unless you go there and experience it, can be very daunting and if research is developed simply from the Internet, or, simply from references from books or research papers, we then have realistic problems that develop. The problems, not of the area involved, but all related to “assumptive-interpretation” to an ecological habitat (i.e. bias), when an inappropriate presence never established to show consistency, and relationships, within a particular habitat; or, how links develop with the terrestrial or wildlife or marine dynamics; and how, over time, all interacts, or the “Necessary-Links”, develop into a healthy ecological process and habitat.

What I’m trying to convey here is the fact, myself and others here, are not trying to compare, or readjust what we see observing and collecting this data, too previous reference material that we had read over the Internet or in other research papers. We are observing and collecting data, that is current and of original source. What we have to say within the “interpretation-stage” of our observations and data gathering, is not only of quality, but indeed, accurate enough to be used in many various decision-making circumstances. We find the higher the quality the research, equates to the quality, or enhancement, or wildlife within a healthy Ecology, with positive consequences to develop further, diversity in management-paradigms.

What we see too many times, in particular in government research (i.e. BLM in particular), are many current decisions being made from research papers that were completed, some I have seen, nearly 20 years ago. The BLM for example will copy & distribute older environmental assessments as well as older research papers – many of us have observed first-hand. What we find is the fact BLM staff and clerks apparently were told to simply change the dates, and perhaps even reorient a situation that was done in a totally different environment or habitat, and make it appear current within a new habitat, in order to adhere toward regulatory situations. Then to show their management-decisions, based upon no-research really, but rather, old and unuseful information that fits within their current-bias and “one-size-fits-all” management paradigms. They then use this wayward and bad information to obtain taxpayer money for their budgets, as if developed from “current” information & research. We see from the management level, just by going out and observing the areas they discuss, that are in no way compliant with previous research and studies BLM staff had given to their administrators, as well as to the public, in the matters of using taxpayer money – for example “roundups”, or overpopulation counts of wild horses on Public Lands. They in reality, make more problems, and resolve none. . .

Clues and Linking It All Together

Yes, the good news is — we as options, other than fertility programs and simply sending horses to slaughter – in particular the wild horses. As I already pointed out I have several spots, and within several very different ecological habitats, yet still in the mountains. The fact is over 150 miles in either direction, I can truthfully state there are at least 25 to 35 separate ecological habitats – all different, and yet different due to content within the habitat itself.

One study area was alongside a wetland habitat. It was surrounded by forest, and a nearby river. The only thing missing were grasslands and Meadows, and of course – wild horses – Yet both several miles away.

I noticed, as in a couple of other areas, that a couple of female coyotes, as well as a couple of male coyotes I have seen here quite often and can identify, among other coyotes, their day-to-day and night to night habits seemed ironic. And among many others. I noticed a difference in their common-habits as well as their behaviors as they hunted in the shrubs and other grasses among the shrubs, for jackrabbits. From there scat, footprints, and the way they marked their area – I was very interested in their story. I needed to know why it changed – was it all a momentary change, or a long term change?

Anyway, one day I noticed near the wetland portion of the habitat, the coyotes were playing but their gaits I had never seen before. It seemed as though they were dancing, which I heard this before by others that observed coyotes, as well. Ironically, rabbits were out playing at the same time not far from the coyotes. Of course, my first question was, why are the prey, rabbits, outside and in broad daylight, in view of their main predator, the coyotes?

It took me a few days of walking around and observing the same things on a daily basis, and literally sitting out there 12 hours a day. Their inconsistent behaviors continued. One day, while I was eating lunch, and watching moisture from a tree limb from the mornings fog puddle underneath the limb – I realized there simply had to be an extra food source within this habitat for the predators and prey to not search and evade or prey upon one another – the coyotes, and their prey the jackrabbits. There were more inconsistencies from other predator-prey relationships, but this serves as a good example.

As this was unusual – and a break in the pattern that I was used to seeing at this habitat, I started to look for unique food sources – as this was an event, for both myself and other researchers in the area that were seeing the same things.

In addition to the above, ravens and the sounds they were making different from their normal calls; Eagles calling to one another; and an Osprey flying by – the reason for the Eagles agitation and maybe the ravens. I then “Link” this to the bear tracks I had found on the mud bank along the river, and it hit me beside the head like a bag of rocks.

It was the end of the salmon run. Right next to the bank of the river, or the river’s edge, there were numerous large chum-salmon in an Eddie pool, as well as a few well-picked carcasses along the way.

Bones and skin were hanging from the berry bushes below the Eagle’s perches along the river bank. The smell of fish remains was in the air. In the days I had been away from this particular area, and within a short time, an irregular change occurred. Coyote scat contained salmon bones and skin and sand, with  coyotes ingesting the sand below the carcasses to get the precious fish-oils. Which answered the other question I had about the coyotes, and they’re very bright and very pure colorization, and their coats were glowing, of health.

I noticed in the coming days the birds, the “dippers”, also started accumulating together, and I knew there were salmon eggs at the bottom of the river. The adult salmon were dead or dying as this was the “end of the seasonal-run” for them, as well as trout were gathering to find the eggs, as well. There were also other tracks around, of raccoons.

Learning to see Good Science

And this ladies and gentleman, is “Linking”. Changes happen. One has got to be there in order to obtain the experience to know, and acknowledge from past observations and data gathering at the same spot, to actually know that change happened, and approximately when it did happen. This is how significant experience is, in the matters of quality research, quality data gathering, and why books and reference materials, and interpretation from only books and reference materials – very simply not quality research, nor, is it proper data to assimilate as being current.

This is why the older people, our elders, are so significant in all-tribes on our planet. Experience speaks volumes. It’s the experience that solves problems. This brings about positive resolutions to situations, in order to avoid negative consequences due to bad research, bad data gathering, and corrupt research papers under the deceptive-guise of supposedly good science.

I am writing this with the hopes, when more people – taxpayers in America can understand, and acknowledge the difference between good science and bad science – between good data-gathering and inconsequential data-gathering – between old and antiquated science when compared to what our current surroundings shows us, which often is similar to watching an old black-and-white movie compared to a modern special effects movie with quality cinematography. It is a vast difference in quality and in presentation.

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Posted by on January 31, 2024 in Uncategorized


Evolution and Natural Selection Proves Wild Horses in America “Never” Just Disappeared

Discussion by John Cox M.A. C/M

The question is this – Do we obtain proper representation of our Wild Horses from today’s wayward, and some even corrupt, government agencies, colleges that receive $-millions in donations of taxpayer money from these same agencies, or the current trend of non-profits that receive donations from dramatic shock-n-fear propaganda styles of misinformation, to do so?

Myself and many others are also finding, when perusing research papers as well as government documents, that many assumptions and non-referenced opinions about Wild Horses, are consistently, questionable. Vague science left non-referenced, and bias or myth projected as good science — leaves many of us with many questions about the legitimacy of government, and non-profit financed research, in regard to much of our Wildlife and Wild Horses in America.

I must add here, I am writing about information that goes beyond Darwin and his proven-theories of Natural Selection, into the modern-day context, which prove his theories more so, daily. This, in direct support, of his, and other people both pro and con in the matters of Natural Selection (which honest debate is always good for the outcome of good, quality science).

Allow me to narrow the playing field here, upon such a vast amount of science and information, and for the common man and woman to understand – When compared to scientific verbiage, which hides things, and often, and is confusing to many. Thereby, when evolution skeptics want to attack Darwin’s theory, they often point to the human eye. Here, I discuss the Eye’s of the Wild horse, and how Evolution “proves” no disruption occurred within the Wild Horses’ Evolution, in the Americas, in ancient times. How could something so complex, they argue, have developed through random mutations and natural selection, even over millions of years?

I center this discussion upon Darwin’s Theories of Evolution and Natural Selection – and beyond, as the Natural Selection paradigm proves itself time and again. I do this as we are all concerned, from simply book-fed pretend scientists and researchers, as well as those academics, that virtually have no experience in the field of Horse’s nor Wild Horses . . . or journalists and others mentioned here, that do not go beyond the Internet for their research. Lord knows, they would probably explode if they had a thought of creativity, and when dealing with science. . . LOL

“Mutations that improved the focusing power of the lens were favored by natural selection, leading to the evolution of a spherical eye that could produce a crisp image. The evolution of the vertebrate eye did not stop there. Some evolved the ability to see in the ultraviolet. Some evolved with layered eyesight, such as the Wild Horse”

I use here the Wild Horses on Public Lands as the landscape to prove my point within this capacity of debate, stating Natural Selection is far more provable, and by far, more to it than what we are led to believe by wayrd government agencies, corrupted non-profits, and college research staff that offer more questions within their awkward assumptions, than reality. Yes, most of this Abounds with the overly stench of money, that grabs attention dramatically, and research becomes a central outlet of inaccurate information, information left out, and decisions made, more often than not, on assumptive bias or myth.

Wild Horses disappearing, is a good example, assumptively (no proof exists of this, just wayward interpretation of periods where no proof either way existed, up to this point supposedly – but this is untrue as well, yet we see some proof unacceptable to established, and even shockingly, very snobbish academic people).

“Absence of Evidence does not mean Evidence of Absence”, an old quote by Dr Carl Sagan, means, in a very simple term, that, if there is lack of evidence of presence of a thing, does not always conclude to the absence of that thing totally.” – Carl Sagan

We have a problem here — So “they” say, around 13,000 to 15,000 years ago the Wild Horse’s mysteriously disappeared from the Western Hemisphere. Although, Natural Selection and proof of Wild Horses “Evolving” without any questionable dispersion-rates; nor, disappearing at all, and we see good science, based on a sound theory, Darwin et al., and we see evidence of the Wild Horses not disappearing what so ever, but kept Evolving through Natural Selection up to this day in time. No interruptions occurred, as history can show us.

The fact of the Evolution of the “Eye’s of a Horse” remains fact-positive, among many other physical Charteristics of the Evolution of the Wild Horses in America (non-stop), in ancient and in todays times, as well. Evolution does not stop, despite how the government agencies of the BLM and the DOI, demand it does stop.

“The solution for Darwin was to postulate that a simple prototype eye evolved only once very early in evolution, which then through natural selection had given rise to the diversity present in nature. Modern molecular biology has now provided supportive evidence for such an idea.”

Years ago I was shown how to check a Horse’s eyes, for any flaws or troubling signs of sight-specific problems (i.e. I will do a synoptic explanation here, for those interested in doing so). As “on-trails” I need the Horse to see 100% e.g. cliffs, entanglements’, ditches, tree-stumps, in shade, et al., (yet another reason your horse needs too remain calm during periods of stress).

I point this out, as the Eye of a Horse had to evolve continuously, due to its obvious sophistication, and very elaborate structure. There could-not be full development of a Natural Selection Process, had a 13,000 year or 15,000 year period of no evolution occurred (bias and myth simply do not make any common sense most often – and just as often, very identifiable).

And the sight-specific lack of evolution of the Spanish or French breeds, show us, the Natural Selection Process of Ancient American Wild Horses (i.e. whether ancient tribes of people were aware of their existence or not, we remain optimistic, due to tribal histories of a select few of tribes, and the historical Nomadic Tribes from Siberia and their Horses intermixing with Wild Horses in the Americas’, noting proof of existence, with no disappearance – again, the Wild Horses disappearing has no evidence of such, other than assumption we assume to be nothing more than bias).

In fact, the eyes of the Horse corresponded to every stage, in this sequence of Evolution and furthered its complexity within a Natural Selection process . . . have been found in existing living species today. The existence of this range of less complex light-sensitive structures supports scientists’ hypotheses about how complex the eyes of a Horse (among other wildlife) could evolve. The first animals with anything resembling an eye lived about 550 million years ago. And, according to one scientist’s calculations, only 364,000 years would have been needed for a camera-like eye to evolve from a light-sensitive patch.

Bringing science together with experience, and we have information worthy of acceptable levels of fact. Here is where experience and science come together. When I check the eye of my Horse, it is in darkness, in the stall, or at night. For all of you “tool-junkies” and those who use words with many syllables to make themselves sound important (lol), I use an ophthalmoscope. But the tool is not mandatory by any means.

Stand in front of the ye, with a small pencil flashlight (on my key chain actually). Shine it directly into the Horse’s eyes, then move it to the side. This shows you that the coronea clear.

Shine the light, again, straight at the eye, and wait for the pupil to contract. Move the light slowly away, and the pupil should expand. This tells us the Horse is seeing, reacting normally to light.

Now the very interesting part, to me anyway. Evolution is amazing. Light a candle, and hold it in front of the Horse’s eye. You should be viewing three-images of the flame — Evolution – this just did not happen overnight. One in the coronae – upright, one on the front of the lens – upright, and, one on the back of the lens – inverted. Move the candle around, to make sure the images remain clear, distinct. This shows us, proof, the Horse’s eye, with the anterior chamber and the lens are clear.

If there exists anything you see, a disturbance, a cloudy rather than clear image, or anything out of the ordinary, obtain a veterinarian’s opinion, and treatment.

Here I use this as an example of a situation where the Horse’s Eyes, Evolved through a process of nature, or, what we refer to Our Universe at work – and termed it Natural Selection, which is applicable within our terminology. Often it can be Area-Specific. Myself and others have found, as well, many subordinate occurrences of Natural Selection, that fits right-in with the scientific forms and terms, of Evolution of our Wild Horses.

For example, a Horse eyesight develops through Natural Selection, specific here, under the canopy of tree-stands in the mountains. The Horse will develop a sight-specific situation of seeing in less light much better, than a Horse that was evolved on an Open Range Habitat, and in bright light. Other examples of Natural Selection, just within the capacity of the species of Wild Horses, as we see the many different layers and attributes of Wild Horses – and yet, bias and myth surround truth, overwhelmingly, as we see government agencies that are paid by Taxpayer’s, top-dollars I might add, to Manage our Wild Horses on Public lands, properly, and with good-science and analytical data, but do not receive such from these same government agencies and their over-site management, at all.

These government agencies today, operating under the Mission Statement to manage Wild Horses Properly, are not doing so. We find very corrupted non-profits, as well, alongside these government agencies. They, indeed, make a lot of money, as well, in deceiving the American Public.

We can truthfully state, clearly, I might add, these agencies and non-profits are in “Cahoots” with specific Special Interests. This fact is not so ironic any longer. Many receive $-billions in taxpayer money, unnecessarily, and once again, ironically, pay for the vast amounts of propaganda and disinformation, and even legislation, to promote their disinformation campaigns, to keep having Taxpayer’s pay subsidies. Quite frankly, the majority of Taxpayer’s would never approve any of the corruption we see daily now, if the facts and truth actually known. The Wild Horses are very important, and to many Americans’.


References and Bibliography Upon Request

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Posted by on January 15, 2024 in Uncategorized