Deplorable Conduct by Bureau of Land Management Ignores Environmetal Assessments

17 Nov

The Law and foundation for an Environmental Assessment (EA)

“The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) requires the BLM to consider significant environmental impacts prior to approval of actions on public lands. When an activity or action is proposed within the Uncompahgre Field Office, BLM staff conducts an interdisciplinary review of the potential environmental impacts in order to make more informed decisions and identify measures to protect, restore, and enhance the environment.”

Thereby, Public Comment is also required from Americans’ (mandatory for all EA situations) and taxpayers paying for this situation – Then why does BLM staff “Throw-Away” or simply “Ignore” comments from the Public when legitimate questions and debate exist?

The Question:  Is BLM currently developing and generating Wild Horse Herd Roundups in accord to law, to include an appropriate Environmental Assessment?

The Answer:  No – the Bureau of Land Management, under the supervision of the Department of the Interior is not, and remains adverse to Law and to (EA and NEPA requirements) Environmental Impact to the areas they conduct Wild Horse Herd Roundups.

It is also well known that the BLM and DOI do not make a profit (the outright Lie that they do make a profit according to some speculators consider this the reasoning behind allowing such adverse behavior to our Public Lands by the BLM and DOI); rather, they take a loss yearly on expenses and liabilities, to include Welfare Ranchers and Court Costs to name just a couple (Justice Department expenses and Court costs not assimilated within BLM or DOI bookkeeping) and being the most litigated and sued government agency in history.

Problem with Special Interests

It is commonly known that previous ranchers (Ethics violations do exist here) remain substantial within both BLM and DOI administrative and management positions.  This is an obvious conflict, as over the past decade and more, the Welfare Ranching special interest groups (i.e. Welfare Ranchers) have profoundly taken $$$$ millions of dollars of taxpayer money, as well as essentially ruined millions of acres of Public Lands.  Their cost is at $1.43 per AUM for grazing, which is way below current and even past commercial grazing costs.  As well, cost to the Ecosystem, and Ecosystem clean up or improvement is non-existent.

This is, and was, accomplished by ignoring the principles’ in conducting Environmental Assessments, no-sustainable management principles in place, with the situation of land management being ignored in total, range management and Ecosystem necessities neglected and ruined our Public Lands, and false blame placed on Wild Horse Herds rather than the actual source – unmanaged and/or simply too many cattle on Public Lands. This is more than displaced Environmentalists vs. Cattle Ranchers situation that the DOI or BLM like to tell legislators, or for others to excuse BLM / DOI lack of management criteria — which both government agencies are paid to manage legally and responsibly, but do not — and still paid by our tax dollars.

Change in Management Demanded by the Public

There is no doubt a change within management, at both the Bureau of Land Management and the Department of the Interior, which is required to straighten this mess out.  Our Public Lands cannot, environmentally, take any further Special Interest Group manipulation and/or cannot sustain viability under total duress of bad management, absurd political processes, and bias decisions.

The Department of the Interior’s management principle stating BLM / DOI absurd, ridding our Public Lands of Wild Horse Herds (and Wolves by the same group of ranchers, with continuous distasteful lies to the public and supported by BLM and DOI) remains neither a legitimate option, nor has ever been a valid option.  This will prove quite costly in years to come and to the taxpayers of America.

A Retrospect of Our History

Sadly, without a doubt the abuse and slaughter of Wild Horses and Wolves will also be a severe blight within our civilization’s history, especially when considering the treatment of such respected and profound animals necessary within our Ecosystems’.  A disgusting Legacy to leave within our generation — even though it is government sanctioned – Does Not Make It Right!  It is despicable, make no doubt!

The abusive treatment toward Americas’ Wild Life demonstrated by our present government agencies – history will show these people as irresponsible, as future generations of children study this situation in their history class.  They no doubt will ponder exactly how far our civilization had truthfully advanced within humane charateristics and into the 21st Century!

Yes, the reality is our legislators’ should start considering our Legacy we are leaving for future civilizations to study, and ponder the reasons why!  It is as simple as developing a more humane way of going about business and without such significant and abusive sacrifices!  WAKE UP!


Posted by on November 17, 2012 in Uncategorized


3 responses to “Deplorable Conduct by Bureau of Land Management Ignores Environmetal Assessments

  1. Mar Wargo

    November 17, 2012 at 7:54 pm

    If the advocates would stop sitting on the fence and hoping someone will pull off a miracle they could have done a great deal of work by now. Much time and money has been wasted. If we do not want BLM to manage the wild ones then we need to write them out of the Wild Horse and Burro Act and get things shored up and tight for a real future with science based management. Legislation must be written and passed ASAP. We need a Wild Horse and Burro exclusive conference and the funds to get people there to work.

    The advocacy has behaved as if science is as foreign to them as it is to BLM. Folks have been listening to the ignorant and the self promoters who make money off the wild ones. This is inexcusable. We are where we are at because there has been too many ‘romantic notions’ about observers and their role in this campaign. The slander from them needs to end and the work needs to begin in earnest. Together and without the drama.

    Most advocates have become involved in the rescue of wild horses and burros because they think there was nothing for them to do!! I am glad the rescue work has expanded and specialized but we still have so much to do it is becoming apparent we need to change directions and heed the need for science. If the public does not set up and fund independent research then we will not ever have the proper stand to take with BLM to remove them.

    We need to see there is a future and develop it. This is a hands on campaign but you would never know it by the way people have been misled and distracted by fear tactics that if they do not support so and so the whole campaign will be lost. Bah humbug!

  2. wildhorseterritorytribune

    November 18, 2012 at 3:06 pm

    Well said!

  3. wildhorseterritorytribune

    November 18, 2012 at 3:07 pm

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